Experience riding in Homokhátság, with its beautiful and unique flora and fauna, with never ending stretches. Choose from our tours and treat yourself with the adventure of Hungarian Puszta Ride.
During our rides we organize two kinds of tours: line tours, where we can ride longer stretches, and stellar tours, where we visit one typical local attraction and for the night we return to the mansion.
Line tours
During each of these tours we visit one typical, authentic landscape.
Tour Tisza
We range through the floodplain of river Tisza. We swim our horses in the river , ride through the levee of the Tisza , then after a short ferry ride we get to the Mártély Landscape Protection Area, where we spend 2 nights. We can bathe in the refreshing water of the Tisza dead channel, and we can have a delicious fish soup made of the local fishermen daily catch.
Tour Bugac
Riding on the untouched meadows and forests of Homokhátság, we visit the uniquely beautiful Bugac Ősborokás. We spend the night in authentic farm houses located in the Hungarian Puszta. For a day to two we can taste the feeling of the free riding of the hungarian wranglers, eat their meals, and discuss the great-great things of the world by the glittering campfire. On our way home we can spend a relaxing day in one of the nicest thermal and adventure baths of the Alföld, in Kiskunmajsa, and will return to Platános Kúria.
Tour on the way of Rúzsa Sándor
One real challenging tour, which follows the footsteps the famous hungarian “betyár” outlaw, Sándor Rúzsa. During this tour, we travel to the south-eastern border, riding through Acacia and pine forest landscapes, all the way to the southern end of the country. All the while riding the most suitable field for riding, we get aquatinted with this countryside well-known of its farmland. We provide you the possibility to spend the day in the Mórahalom bath, where various cold and hot water pools or pampering massage await the tired rider.
Festival tours
One or a few days visit to some nearby local festivals on horseback, in predetermined times.
The programmes can be:
- Kurultáj- Hungarian annual tribe-assembly in Bugac
- Kéktó (“Bluelake”) Festival in the town of Hódmezővásárhely
- Nyílzápor (Storm of Arrows) Festival in the National Heritage Park in Ópusztaszer
- Szeri Búcsú Ópusztaszer
- Nyeregszemle Tour
Multi-day tours start only with at least 5 participants.